
Establish Churches

To establish churches in the name of Living Word Community Church, both in urban and rural areas in different parts of the nation, spiritually empowering communities through the living word.

Church Construction

Extend support through financial, spiritual and physical to establish churches in the communities as per the desire requirement.


Encourage and financially support churches to boldly share the Good News of the Kingdom of God by conducting small and big convention in their communities.

Outreach Programs

To conduct and encourage and financially support churches to boldly share the Good News of the Kingdom of God through various forms of evangelism in their local communities and also in other communities through partnering.

Children Programs

To conduct and encourage and also financially extend support churches to engage in children ministry by conducting Sunday school/church, Vocational Bible School (VBS), and children seminar/program.

Teens & Youth Programs

Conduct and encourage and financially extend support churches to engage in youth activities by organizing youth seminar, camps, meetings, trainings and different outreach programs to equip the younger generation.